प्रस्तुत पुस्तक 'अंधेर नगरी' भारतेंदु ने बनारस में नेशनल थियेटर के लिए एक दिन में सन 1881 में लिखा था जो काशी के दशाश्वमेघ घाट पर उसी दिन अभिनीत भी हुआ । 'अंधेर नगरी' को रोचक विनोदपूर्ण बनाने के लिए उसका कथात्मक ढाँचा सादा सामान्य रखा है पर व्यंग्य को तीव्रतर बनाने के लिए जरूरी संकेत पहले दृश्य से ही दिये हैं । 'अंधेर नगरी' अंग्रेज राज्य का ही दूसरा नाम है । संवाद व्यंग्यपूर्ण अभिप्रायमूलक है । समूचा प्रकरण तमाशा जैसा ही है । क्योंकि 'अंधेर नगरी' की अंधेरगर्दी जिस हास्यास्पद परिणति तक दिखायी गयी है वह अकल्पनीय या अविश्वसनीय होते हुए भी यथार्थ के निकट है ।.
Andher Nagari by Bhartendu Harishchandra: A Hilarious Take on Tyranny (Hindi Edition)
Unleash the laughter and sharpen your wit with Andher Nagari, a classic satirical play by the renowned Hindi writer Bhartendu Harishchandra. Composed in a single day in 1881, this timeless piece offers a hilarious yet poignant critique of societal and political ills.
A Day in "The City of Darkness": Absurdity Exposes Reality
Originally staged at the National Theatre in Banaras (Varanasi) on the very day it was written, Andher Nagari translates to "The City of Darkness." This symbolic title sets the stage for a play that cleverly employs absurdity to expose real-world issues. Through a series of outrageous scenarios and nonsensical situations, Harishchandra masterfully satirizes the absurdity of blind leadership and the pitfalls of a society ruled by illogicality.
Laughter as a Weapon: A Playful Approach to Serious Issues
Don't be fooled by the comedic tone – Andher Nagari packs a powerful punch. The witty dialogue and outlandish situations are cleverly crafted to target the arbitrary nature of power and the injustices faced by the common people. Laughter becomes a powerful weapon, prompting audiences to question the status quo and reflect on the importance of reason and justice.
A Timeless Classic: Unveiling the Enduring Power of Satire
Despite being written over a century ago, Andher Nagari continues to resonate with readers and audiences today. The themes of blind authority, social inequality, and the misuse of power remain relevant across cultures and time periods. This edition, presented in its original Hindi language, allows readers to experience the full force of Harishchandra's sharp wit and masterful use of satire.
Embrace the Absurd, Reflect on Reality: Add Andher Nagari to Your Bookshelf
Whether you're a history buff, a lover of classic Indian literature, or simply someone who enjoys a good laugh with a deeper message, Andher Nagari is a must-read. This delightful play offers a unique blend of humor and social commentary, reminding us of the enduring power of satire to challenge the powerful and inspire critical thinking.