Does love really matter so much? And what do you do when nothing matters anymore?
Go on a roller coaster ride with Tara, Megha and Dolly. Three friends in their teens. Close enough to know those little secrets. Not so close to know everything.
Tara, blessed with a bit too much of health for her own good. Desperate to get the guy of her dreams, she ends up playing a very dangerous game. A game, that could cost her friendships, her peace of mind and even her life. Well, that’s an exaggeration but she does make some serious blunders to impress her one true love. Can she do it and is it all really worth it?
Megha, Tara’s best friend, a super achiever with a perfect life has all that is needed to be happy. Afterall, why wouldn’t she? A swimming champion, she is a good-looking girl with amazing friends and loving parents. What more can she ask for! A lot actually. Because even when she has it all, she does the unthinkable. A grave mistake that could take her to her own grave.
Finally Dolly, second best friend of Tara…if that’s even a thing. A part of the same group but kind of dumb to be taken seriously. Real love of Tara’s love interest Karan. And loved (a lot unfortunately) by her love’s dad—Uday Uncle, who is her mom, Mona aunty’s best friend. Now that’s complicated. Wait, there is more. Dolly’s handsome brother Sandy gives Megha a hard time. More complications, misunderstandings, controversies, and entertainment galore!
But don’t forget the life lessons. About making a comeback. About staying true to yourself. About friendships, dealing with low self-esteem and facing break-ups.
Twisted stories of abuse, learning difficulties and illicit relationships in a depraved messed up world. A world the young generation is meant to change. Do you still want to know? Do you have what it takes?