Marathi Translation of Sapiens - A brief history of Mankind by Yuval Noah Harari. १ लाख वर्षांपूर्वी मानवाच्या कमीत कमी ६ उपजाती पृथ्वीवर राहत होत्या. आज फक्त एकच शिल्लक आहे. आपण. होमो सेपिअन्स. आपण पृथ्वीवर आपली अधिसत्ता कशी स्थापन केली? आपल्या भटक्या पूर्वजांनी एकत्र येऊन शहरे आणि राज्यांची कशी स्थापन केली? देव, राजे आणि मानवी हक्क अशा गोष्टींवर आपण कसे काय विश्वास ठेवू लागलो? आणि येणाऱ्या सहस्रकांमध्ये आपले जग कसे असेल? मानवाची विचारपद्धती, वर्तन, बलस्थाने आणि मानवाचे भविष्य याबद्दलच्या आपल्या सर्व समजुतींना आव्हान देणारं एक विचारप्रवर्तक पुस्तक...सेपिअन्स.
Embark on a Bold Journey Through Human History with Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (Marathi Edition)
Uncover the epic saga of humanity in 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind,' the internationally acclaimed bestseller by Yuval Noah Harari, now available in a Marathi translation.
This captivating exploration takes you on a thrilling adventure from the dawn of our species to the present day. Delve into the mysteries of our origins:
100,000 years ago, Earth was home to at least six distinct human subspecies. What factors led to the dominance of Homo sapiens?
Witness the remarkable transformation of our ancestors from nomadic hunter-gatherers into city-building civilizations.
Explore the evolution of belief systems - how did we come to believe in gods, kings, and even human rights?
Sapiens challenges your assumptions about what it means to be human:
How has our unique cognitive ability shaped our thoughts and behaviors?
What defines our strengths and weaknesses as a species?
What does the future hold for humanity? Will we continue to dominate the planet, or are we on the cusp of a dramatic transformation?
This thought-provoking book is perfect for Marathi readers seeking:
A comprehensive overview of human history, from our prehistoric origins to the modern era.
A fresh perspective on the forces that have driven human progress.
A deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.
Sapiens is more than just a history book; it's a conversation starter. Prepare to have your preconceived notions challenged as you embark on this captivating exploration of the human experience. Whether you're a history buff, a curious reader, or simply interested in the big questions about life, Sapiens offers a profound and thought-provoking journey.
Available now in Marathi, Sapiens is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the history of our species and its potential future.