Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms is authored by eminent author Dr. P.S. Kalsi and is published by one of the leading publishers, NEW AGE International Publishers.
This latest Colour Edition of the book is intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Chemistry. The book is recommended by various reputed Colleges and universities. This is one of our bestselling books on Organic Reactions and their Mechanisms, worldwide.
In the new fifth edition the text in almost all the chapters has been updated by adding new material and deleting the old ones. The book is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage in the area of organic reaction mechanism for a chemistry graduate and postgraduate student. The practice of medicine now-a-days increasingly demands a knowledge of the behaviour of molecules. Therefore, the biologist of tomorrow will have to be more of organic chemist, among other things.
Key Features:
In writing this fifth edition the major goal has been to integrate the information about many fundamental organic reactions.
Based on the feedback given to me by hundreds of students and my learned colleagues, I have made changes by completely rewriting the book at different places.
New reagents, new organic reactions and solved exercises have been added.
The study of reaction mechanisms is an enormously broad subject. A full analysis of reaction mechanism requires a good knowledge about molecular structure, stereochemistry and thermodynamics. These topics are, therefore, further developed by laying more emphasis in the fifth edition.